Principal's Message

“Education is not the preparation of life; education is life itself”, said John Dewey.

Education is not only life but has the power to alter the lives around it. Education can shape the mind and personality of a person for better. Along with the knowledge of the world, education also helps people differentiate between right and wrong, and good and bad. Education not only polishes the mind, but also makes a person empathetic and aware of the problems of the world. This knowledge then propels him to find the right solutions to the problems and make the world a better place. This education is however provided to the students through a medium, this being college and faculties. For this reason alone, it is extremely important that college are of high quality and faculties are open minded with great visions.

At EAST group of college, Calicut, we are providing the best faculty equipped with all the modern tools for learning. We strive to make learning as enjoyable for students as possible. Because, when they enjoy doing something they take an interest in it and become good at it. However, if they are forced to study, it will just take away their interest in education. Our academic plans are designed to make students want to learn new things, and it brings the creativity and hidden talents of your child out front.

By bringing your children to our institution, you are providing them an opportunity to have a fighting chance of success.

Thank you!
Samir Ranjan Das
Managing Director

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